Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Ian's Story

Age 10
Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare
Traumatic Brain Injury

Bellies are often examined in hospitals, but how common is it to hear a belly laugh in a hospital? For 7-year-old patient Ian, it was extremely common.

While the reason behind Ian’s hospitalization was tragic, Ian chose laughter to connect with his family when he couldn’t speak.

Walking home from swimming lessons, Ian was struck by a car and sustained massive head injuries that sent him into a 3 week coma. He was eventually transferred to Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare for intensive rehabilitation therapy and was discharged within five weeks—able to walk, talk and feed himself.

Today, he continues to work with therapists and has conquered his fear of returning to the water. “Ian has always been a kid that loves to laugh,” his mom says. “He absolutely lives on laughter.” His cheerful attitude and contagious laugh have had a sweet yet powerful effect on his entire family.

1 comment:

  1. Howdy Ian from sunny Florida. Hope you enjoy the warm weather. When I was your age I would go searching for snakes (we have lots of them down here in my region). I would spend hours in the library looking at books on snakes enjoying the photos and eventually learning how to identify them.Years later this interest in identifying animals led to my love for plants.My son was not able to keep pet snakes like I did because my wife is very scared of them! Be sure to post some photos of what you are up to.
